Behavior Management

Self-regulation is the ability to understand and manage your own behavior and reactions . Self-regulation helps children and teenagers learn, behave well, get along with others and become independent. Self-regulation begins to develop rapidly in the toddler and preschooler years. It continues to develop into adulthood.

Behavioral regulation refers to  your ability to resist using unhealthy behaviors to regulate emotion . Sometimes people use behaviors like eating, drinking alcohol, or self-harm to reduce negative emotions, but these types of behaviors end up doing more harm than good and don’t end up making these people any happier.

Our ability to regulate or manage our behavior allows us to focus when there are distractions, pay attention to the most important information, take turns, wait, follow rules, adapt to new situations, do what is socially expected, suppress outbursts of anger, and take on challenges.

What are examples of self-regulation?
What is self-regulation?
  • regulate reactions to strong emotions like frustration, excitement, anger and embarrassment.
  • calm down after something exciting or upsetting.
  • focus on a task.
  • refocus attention on a new task.
  • control impulses.
  • behave in ways that help you get along with other people.