Sport Activity
Location Bali, Indonesia

Our first ever school river rafting trip was a total success. Kids and teachers had an amazing time exploring the beauty of nature while adventuring down the incredible Ugung river. The journey on the river was a total of three hours with a snack half way down the river in order to recharge energies. As we got more and more comfortable on the river we began to have friendly races with each other with the occasional water splashing that made it even more exciting, as if things were not exciting enough already. We also stopped at a water fall where we all swam and took pics. There were infinite laughs and our cheeks hurt from so much smiling. At the end of the trip we were greeted with a wonderful buffet to cap up the amazing trip.

The overall sentiment of the kids?

“When are we doing this again!?“ “When are we doing this again!?“

Soon grasshoppers, soon for sure!